Friday, November 19, 2010

Flashback Friday: Harry Potter Love, and Oh Yeah, What's Been Up With Us!!

You may have noticed that GotYA has been a little sparse lately. Who would have thought after all the craziness that is summer that fall and winter would be one hundred times crazier?

Yep, it has. We're all treading water like mad to stay afloat in the world of jobs, husbands and children, other family requirements, pets, social engagements....oh yeah, and writing(crap, it's NaNoWri
Mo too!) And then somehow in the middle of that, our blogging responsibilities kinda went low down on the totem pole. We apologize for it being lax and sparse, and we hope to come back's just been tough lately for all of us.

Last night, I headed out to the Midnight Deathly Hallows premier. It was EPIC!!! Sure, I got around 3 hrs of sleep, but it was well worth it. There's just something about being in a darkened theater amongst fellow Harry Potter fans, some decked out in full Harry Potter attire. I have to say the movie was pretty darn amazing!!! I really want to reread Deathly Hallows and go see it again!!!

So, in honor of Harry Potter, here's some Harry Potter funnies!

Twilight Button,Harry Potter,Funny Twilight

Funny Lupin Icon

Harry Potter Cape

Harry Potter Broom Cat Funny Hogwarts

harry potter,funny,welcome and thanks

And some "Your mom is so fat" Harry Potter jokes, lol.

Funny Harry Potter


harry potter

harry potter,lovegood

Love me some Dancing Snape's!

harry potter,funny,funny icons,music



Remilda Graystone said...

lol, I loved the funnies! Especially the dancing Snape! I saw the movie today--couldn't go to the midnight premiere, unfortunately--and it was epic. I loved, loved, loved it! Hermione kicked ass, Ron was so great in this movie, and Harry was...well, Harry, of course. It was so action-y, and I was very happy with that.

Leah said...

LOL epic win on the HP pictures!
Great post!

J.S. Wood said...

So funny!! Love this post!