Welcome to Week Nineteen of Flashback Fridays where the old and new collide on everything from books to movies to first loves to favorite vacations. This week we're looking back on revising and writer's block with a little help from Ricky Bobby.

Before I get to the post, I'd like to semi-apologize to my undergrad and grad professors for this "Ricky Bobby analogy post". While they emphasized the importance of teaching through film and using visual texts to reach students, I'm not sure they ever meant for me to reach this far!! Sure, I've stretched my analogies before with past posts on Querying Through the Movies and Beta Readers and Lord of the Rings. So, maybeI'll redeem myself more next week with my Les Miserables Flashback Friday: Everything Emo I Learned From Eponine!
(1). I wake up in the morning, and I piss excellence!

(2). If you can drive with a cougar in the car, you can race!

After periods of hellish revisions or agonizing writer's block, you can get a little gun-shy. Opening up your manuscript and staring at the blinking cursor can induce nausea or hysterics. But like Ricky and the cougar, you got tame the wild beast that is insecurity and get back in the saddle!
(3). Shake and Bake! That Just Happened!
(4). I'm All Jacked Up on the Mountain Dew....And I'll Come at You Like a Spider Monkey!

Doing intense revisions or knocking out some wordage calls for sustenance. Coffee, chocolate, carbs, whatever your brand of heroin is, it can take epic amounts to get you though. However, you may want to back off when the caffeine or carb overload sends you into a partial “roid rage” and you're coming at family and friends like a spider monkey. The writing game is a tough one, and we can all go a little crazy sometimes. It's important to step back and take a breather.
If you just can't get enough of Talladega Nights, then check out Shake N Bake Store where you can get a "I'm All Jacked Up On Mountain Dew" t-shirt, or "Shake N Bake This" underwear!
****Arcs of August Update***
The winner of Nighshade will be announced tomorrow morning!!! Good luck!!!
And be sure to check back on Monday for some exciting GotYA updates and news!!!
Hmmm. Wonder what that cougar's thinking about. Maybe he's opening hook? :D
Aaaaand that cracked me up, hardcore.
Thanks so much! <3
OMG absolutely loved that cougar one!!
My kids loved the cougar!
I'm going to have to rewatch the movie now after doing the quotes. There are too many good ones, and I have the dvd at home. Probably some Labor Day plans....relaxing with Ricky! LOL
I also love the fact that Ricky's mom is Sue Sylvester from Glee!
yeah baby! =D /bootay shake!! too funny, krista!
Do I dare admit I've never seen that movie?
Love the mountain dew one...cuz I AM A CRAZY SPIDER MONKEY.
DEB! You have to see it ASAP!! I'm not someone who likes racing and all that, but it's hilarius in the way it handles the culture and all. Plus, the fact that Jane Lynch plays Ricky's mom is AWESOME!!! :)
ANd Booty Shake to you too, Cindy! :):
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