Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cover Love!

It's Wednesday, so that means...Cover Love!

Let's start with Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers

(US, Italian, German)

A book about a fight between hell and heaven. I really like the font and the intricate patterns of the German cover, but there's nothing "hellish" about it. No hint that hell fights heaven - except for the tagline that means "between heaven and hell" in English. I like the flames on the Italian cover but the girl doesn't resemble Frannie. I don't really have a favorite though.

Next: Tithe by Holly Black

(US, UK?, UK?, Polish)

I really like the second cover because it shows how the main character looks. Her black eyes are creepy! I'm not sure about the Polish cover but I like that they tried to show other creatures that appear in the book.

Next: The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

(US hardcover, US paperback, UK, German)

Okay, what can I say? Maybe: WOW. They are all beautiful. My favorite: The US paperback with the sleeping girl and the ivy surrounding her. Gorgeous!

What are your favorites?


Katie Ashley said...

Even though I adored the book, I gotta say I love most of the other covers for The Sky is Everywhere--especially the ivy leaf bed since it represents whats in the book.

Gotta say the Personal Demons US cover is the bestest too!!

Debra D. said...

I just saw the paperback version of The Sky is Everywhere and was admiring the cover--it fits in with the book SO WELL! I like the UK verison of Tithe best, I think! :D

J.S. Wood said...

I like the US covers with the exception of the same UK cover for TITHE you liked!